Saturday, December 31, 2005

?? ? ??

That's all I see from you.

Friday, December 30, 2005

Uh, I have nothing to say.

Thursday, December 29, 2005

Being Brave

Everyone, at some point in time, has experieced having loved and lost.
Or at least, losing some part of an illusion.

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Lemme in!

To speak of anything in terms of two-dimension formulae and absolute certainty is puerile. If anything, it reveals the regression of the mind and the smallness of spirit. And that, is when doctrine becomes dogma.

So what.

In order to be the bigger man, you first have to be there.
Tom, this is all your fault.

So my bottle of vodka disappeared into the bowl of punch. And all that's left of last night is a finsihed jig-saw puzzle, a hang-over, 2 shots in the freezer and the devil's blood in a punch bowl. The night was beautiful, and the stars came from the sky to mingle in my living room. We joined our craniums and sang christmas carols.

Andre came home.
'Look at this, I don't know what I'm gonna do with a whole bottle of vodka'
'Ha, I can help'

So my bottle of vodka disappeared into the bowl of punch. And all that's left of last night are the fragmented memories of Kill Bill and my facial scrub, a hang-over, 2 layers of clothes on the coffee table and the devil's blood in a punch bowl. The night was beautiful and the stars came from the sky to mingle in front of my fireplace. We peaced them together and giggled at our success.

New year's revolution (pt. 2)

Love - deeply, truely, purely and correctly.

Monday, December 26, 2005

New Year Revolutions

Do not take -anything- for granted.

By His grace we will suffer, and by His grace we will recover

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Sanguine Season.

What is it about us that makes it impossible to span the years? Like staring at an oddity from behind a "please refrain from tapping on the glass" sign.

Better left undisturbed.
Or better left to grow.

I hate disappointing my parents.
I hate disappointing perfection.

You Have a Sanguine Temperament

You are an optimistic person who is easily content.
You enjoy casual, light tasks - never wanting to delve too deep into anything.
A bit fickle, it's easy for you to change plans or paths when presented with something better.

You enjoy all of the great things life has to offer - food, friends, and fun.
A great talker, you can keep the conversation going for hours.
You are optimistic and sure of your success. If you fail, you don't worry about it too much.

At your worst, you are vain. You are obsessed with your own attractiveness.
A horrible flirt, you tend to jump into love affairs and relationship drama easily.
You're very jealous - which just magnifies the craziness around you.

The frightening thing is that, this is all true.