Saturday, May 08, 2010

In the space of the mistake, before consciousness of the mistake emerges, something lives, vibrates, shakes. Perhaps it is in the mistake, the place of vulnerability, that we are completely alive.

~ Peggy Phelan, On Seeing the Invisible: Marina Abramovic's The House With The Ocean View

Sunday, May 02, 2010

"In its report, Paris-Match said that Ms Dehar was typical of the modern prostitution scene in Paris.

Thanks to police crackdowns and the growth of the internet, the old nightclub-based hostess networks run by pimps and protected by criminal gangs have all but vanished.

Instead the market is dominated by "independents" - many of them students.

"Footballers are their preferred prey. The best-informed know what establishments they like to frequent," Paris-Match said.

Mr Ribery - a convert to Islam who is married and has two children - has been interviewed by police.

However, as his lawyer Sophie Battai points out, he was questioned solely as a witness and there is no indication that charges are being prepared against him.

But if that were to happen - if he were "placed under judicial investigation" in the affair - his career on the French team could be in jeopardy.

As the sports minister Rama Yade said on national radio on Friday: "The French football shirt is sacred. It cannot be worn by someone who is under judicial investigation." "
~ BBC: Escort girl claims cast cloud over French football

Prostitutes now prey on unsuspecting helpless men.
As with rape-victims, who aren't really victims at all, but were really asking for it since it is evident that rapist can't control their hormones.
