Daddy said that I was fat. I concur.
When something terrible happens, I don't feel upset. Instead, I get really excited. (Ok let me qualify terrible - I really mean, something frustrating or upsetting in someone else's life) Maybe I'm just bored and need excitement in my life. But more so, I see it as an exciting challenge. Not a puzzle to solve, but rather, a new way/opportunity to show love? But mind you, I guess it just means I get bored of my relationships fast. Or I am really detached. But that's ok, turn your liabilities into assets
Never take yourself too seriously.
I am terribly distracted. Help me.
Daddy said that I was fat. I concur.
When something terrible happens, I don't feel upset. Instead, I get really excited. (Ok let me qualify terrible - I really mean, something frustrating or upsetting in someone else's life) Maybe I'm just bored and need excitement in my life. But more so, I see it as an exciting challenge. Not a puzzle to solve, but rather, a new way/opportunity to show love? But mind you, I guess it just means I get bored of my relationships fast. Or I am really detached. But that's ok, turn your liabilities into assets
Never take yourself too seriously.
I am terribly distracted. Help me.