Thursday, July 29, 2004

It seems that my comments on Lawyers get a lot of feedback.
I'm thinking.
I like.

And I think that it all boils down to understanding the nature of Humanity. That we're all the same. Everything has been done, everything will keep repeating itself, and at the basic level, we're all. just. humans.

"You come from the Lord Adam and the Lady Eve. That is honor enough to erect the head of the lowest begger, and shame enough to lower the shoulders of the greatest emperor. Be content."
Aslan in Prince Caspian
 ~ C.S. Lewis

And at the very core of humanity, it is not the law which saves or heals our innately corrupt and troubled nature. It's not enough. And besides, I think we totally miss the point of Law. Perhaps the accusation of Christ to the Pharisees of his day, is not far off from what is deserving of society:  "you have neglected the more important matters of the law � justice, mercy and faithfulness." Matt 23:23

Where is the love? 

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