The problem of pain and evil can never be resolved. Evil �is not a scientific problem that might be solved by further observations, or a practical problem that might be solved by a decision or an action�. Hence religious discourse holds no solution or meaning to the suffering individual. Reconciling evil with a good God has does little for a woman who has lost her child, or for the man who is hungry. There are many modern day Jobs who suffer innocently, further realizing and expressing the problem of evil on a level that no theodicy can reach. The Christian tradition then responds with faith. Faith in a good and omnipotent God, who freely blesses His people with the strength and resources to deal with the pain of evil, moment by moment, while they struggle together, as a universal whole, upward through grace toward the realization of the Kingdom of God.
No matter how many Curts there are in the world, words will never be enough.
Let us bleed a little in silence.
It's been a day.
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