Thursday, October 13, 2005


I do not have enough faith to be the smallest, but I want to have enough faith to be the least. I am obsessed with getting things superficially right, to look good and to behave correctly. As opposed to being true.

I think God is dragging me into yet another phase in my life. So this summer I leave the whole existential liberal way-off-left-field in hopes of finding proper balance in my life. What does it mean to understand the nature of God and his fulfilment of the law instead of simply attempting to live a harsh legalistic life, bereft of the goodness of God?

I'm starting to return to the commandents of God and to the tradditions of the Chruch. Chrisitian culture must be understood for what it is: A Culture. Not the route to salvation, or of any consequence really, but rather the way in which the Gospel has made itself known to this WASPish generation.

But Truth. Now Truth transcends all culture, all time, all paradigm and is simply... Jesus. So we've got Truth and Tradition. And I think I can start to nestle back safely into life with both doing what they do, and being what they are.

And with me, being. But as it seems, the Holy Spirit is calling me to a deeper walk. But this time the question isn't just that of "be", but also "be with". Things are solidifying and truths are gradually being etched in.

To stand in the gap between the living and the dead, to take on the historical and figurative role of the 'High Priest', atoning for the sins of a shifting, unstable world, to an everlasting, unchanging God. Here, God never changed his nature for anyone.

The Calling of the church isn't to make God sensible to the World, but to transform the world to God.


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