Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Flow with power!

Ok, if anyone still reads my blog, I need some help. One of my best friends, RK3 wants to create a Parkour logo with Chinese characters. For those of you who aren't familiar with Parkour, it's french for 'Free-running' ala Casino Royalle. It's a sport-to-be that entails running aross town in the most trecherous way possible, scaling walls, railings and basically anything scalable.

Anyway back to the logo: it's been narrowed down to three options (just like the three options for Merger between Singapore and Malaysia):

A) 流力:(liu3 li4) A pun on 流利 (liu3 li4)which basically means fluency. 流利 would be used in describing one's aptitude in say, a langauge. BUT! I've changed the last character from 利 to 力。 力 basically means strength (like what sporty spice has on her arm 女力)。 So putting the two together you get some obscure sense of flowing power. Which... is kinda what parkour is. in my opinion.

B) 飞:(fei1)Courtesy of JM. 飞 is what it looks like: to fly. Which... is kinda what parkour is too. And to placate my desperate need for a pun, JM suggests an English term 'fey' which means magic, or 'touched by magic'. Cool so far, but it also means fated to die or at the point of death. Not entirely something you want on your shirt while you're leaping off a tall builing in hopes of getting to the next tall building in one piece. Which leads me to the third option

C) 跳楼:(tiao4 lou2) Courtesy of JH. 跳 means 'jump' 楼 is indicative of a storey in a building. So it would literally mean "to jump off a building". Which... is kinda what parkour is. But the implicative meaning is to commit suicide. And as Robby says: 'we aren't TRYING to die, we just might in the process'.

So anyway, leave a comment and tell me which you think would be best tattooed onto the chests of burly parkour men while they run freely through the city.


majortom said...

I like A.

Anonymous said...

So do i.

Anonymous said...

Totally A

sarahlsmith said...

A. Liu li. =)

Johnny Malkavian said...

I like B.

Johnny Malkavian said...

I think Hannah likes B too. 8)

Johnny Malkavian said...

And Hannah, stop leaving messages for yourself under pseudonyms. Hhahahaa.

*takes pictures*

shu said...

i like B. the look and flow of liu li doesn't feel right for me for some strange reason. and i think if you use the traditional chinese character of fei, it's nicer. there is even a "shen" in the traditional script or in english "rise up" which to me, fits the parkour idea of flying off and rising up and crossing boundaries.

Robby said...

hmm, I think B is pretty cool at least in style, seeing as it is one character, and seems to represent almost a person figure and a sense of movement, but then again...imminent death? well...there's always heaven right?

Hannah Lim said...

hahah yes, indeed always heaven. I guess a decision has been made, but it wasn't democratic! ;)

Robby said...

btw, thanks for all your help and input people! I appreciate it