Tuesday, December 11, 2007

This seems to resonate with what, put simply, I believe in: Hell is when you MUST do what you want to do. It's the tyranny of choice.

What we need is less of "you can be ANYTHING you want to be" (which is an outrageous lie), and more of "this is who you are". And yes, I know what I'm saying.

We are free from many things that used to chain us. But we no longer have any goal to weave our freedom toward. We have nothing to be free for, so what is the point of freedom?
Of course, there is always the self.

And what's going to happen when our relationships become subsumed by this?

I think we just need to remember that we are finite, and should understand that we need a frame work to work in and to work with. And we have to understand that we are not alone here.

"Her beauty is only skin-deep, surfacial. I mean, this is all there is really. Nothing else to her. And to make things worse, She's delusional, and arrogant"
~ Conversation on the bus.

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