Saturday, March 07, 2009

I just woke up to realize that 6 years have gone by.

And I'm not going home.

It's time to get out of bed.


shu said...

i'm trying to figure out if i should make a decision that will take me away from home for the next 5 years

Hannah Lim said...

I guess you'll never know till you do it.

dyseluxon said...

Home is wherever you want it to be

Anonymous said...

guys this is hilarious, let's start a conversation here. -glad

p.s hannah it's easy to get sentimental just dont give in too it too much.

Hannah Lim said...

yeah little miss soggy. I will be a ball of sogginess for a week month or so? Then i'll be ok. :)

Anonymous said...

who's little miss soggy? am i missing out on anything? -glad