Saturday, May 08, 2010

In the space of the mistake, before consciousness of the mistake emerges, something lives, vibrates, shakes. Perhaps it is in the mistake, the place of vulnerability, that we are completely alive.

~ Peggy Phelan, On Seeing the Invisible: Marina Abramovic's The House With The Ocean View


shu said...

but you are not vulnerable if you do not know that you have made a mistake yet right? if you are ignorant and unaware of the mistake, you cannot feel the embarrassment or mortification that the mistake might bring.

i think the vulnerability comes in the recognition of the mistake. and the struggle to realise and admit that perhaps we were wrong in the first place.

glen said...

Hannah Lim said...

indeed. :) Or if a mistake is willfully done. A mistake in the sense that no one else thinks its right.