Monday, August 09, 2010

Things to do with my life:

  1. French lessons

    Goal: Fluency
    Purpose: To be able to communicate with the Quebec boyfriend in his native language.

  2. Chinese lessons

    Goal: Fluency
    Purpose: I am Chinese and since so much time, money and effort was spent on my learning the language 10 years ago, I'd like to make something of it. Also, I want to be able to understand Chinese law when I need to.

  3. Dance lessons

    Goal: Performance
    Purpose: I've got to be able to do SOMETHING with my body, and I want to do it well.

  4. Volunteer

    Goal: Here, and stints abroad
    Purpose: To give! And to enjoy myself whilst doing so. I've never been a fan of those short-term missions stints, but I think I could get into that, as long as I'm less of a bane than a boon.

  5. Music

    Goal: Live in it
    Purpose: Because it really keeps me alive. Jam more, vocal lessons, listen more. More more more.

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