Sunday, January 19, 2003

Deep inside this armor... the warrior is a child

I really love Daniel, and i'm just so glad that after 18 years of sibling strife, we've finally formed a bond beyond blood.

So life has taken an upturn... all the way since my A levels ended. It's as if God is telling me, time to get this right now.
So relationships have solidified, some have dissolved... but all for the better in everything i see His hand.

He has blessed the work of my hands. Despite doing nothing but telemarketing (which may I add has to be the no-brainer job of the year), my boss is (somehow) impressed, though I don't think I've done anything to warrent that. But thank you God.

So work has been going my way, I got my pay, my hours, my scope. Perfect.

You said ask and I'll give the nations to you

And Dennis, I love you.

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