Friday, February 28, 2003

Offical Statement for Lysistrata Project (Singapore)

The Lysistrata Project (Singapore) originally scheduled to take place at
Zouk on the 3rd of March has been postponed to a later date due to logistic
and sponsorship issues. The organisers are grateful for your support to date
and trust that you will continue in your support of this event. The
Lysistrata Project still needs you.

We will keep you updated as to the new event details. Possible dates being
considered are 10th or 17th of March (both Mondays).

In the meantime, we are pleased to announce that a satellite reading of
Lysistrata (in mandarin and english) will be presented by the students of
TTRP at the Esplanade Library on Sunday the 2nd of March.

Yes things have been quite iffy. But We'll pull through.

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