Sunday, September 25, 2005


God is not concerned about our happiness because in the light of eternity and infinity, OUR happiness is nothing. I define happiness as nothing more then a passing emotion, a REACTION to the events that happen around us. It has nothing to do with who we are and who God is. There is also a difference between happiness (the emotion) and joy (state of being/mind). Economically speaking, Happiness is derived from utility and satisfaction, while joy transcends the tangible world and delves deeper into notions of our existence and identity.

I could have been more clear in my post in stating that my comment on God's disregard for our happiness came from another source/author, who said something to the effect that "God is not concerned with our happiness as he is concerned about our growth and development." It is also a reference to other entries posted previously dealing with my engagement on the subject. But my stand is that happiness can be a very self-centered, oblivious and extremely comfort-seeking. All of which are antithetical to growth. I've been learning that God is in the process of redeeming us, and it's not a one-off thing called 'the sinner's prayer'. No, that would be cheap grace. Grace that redeems the sin, but not the sinner. So God is seeking to grow us into what we were meant to be, the original plan. That beats happiness anytime.

But that's the amazing part of the nature of God. That while not focusing on our self-centered happiness, his intention is to give us joy. Joy by fulfilling our reason for being, our chief end, which is to "glorify God and/(by) enjoy(ing) Him forever." Only then can we truly be happy.

You are right, our love is but a mere shadow of the love God has for us. Our love is imperfect. And perhaps, if our love were stronger and purer, we'd be less interested in happiness too.

And it's working. At least in my life. Had God sought only to make me happy, I'd be pretty messed up. And I wouldn't want to serve a God who patronizes as opposed to nurtures. He doesn't have to, but that's the extent of his love and grace, that he would invest His power, glory, identity and name into the development of me. I have to say that the happy form of christianity is exclusive to western society. It is very individualistic, very liberal and wealthy. I find none of that in the scripture.

Extremist? Yes. Wrong? Maybe. But this is where I am right now on my faith journey, and I stand convicted on this. I would recommend reading Bonhoeffer's "The Cost of Discipleship" as these thoughts are a direct result of this piece of work.

But a disclaimer would be good right about now. I am very happy with my life now. I cannot help but expound on how amazing God has been here in my life. I'm tired, stressed, PMSy and I suffer from low self-confidence and self-esteem, but in the grander scheme of things, it really. doesn't. matter.

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