Thursday, July 27, 2006


As the gifts of life that only truth can bring, I am living a life whose perfection I cannot believe to be rivaled by any other. Show me a girl happier then myself, and I'd show you an illusion. Now if only everyone could be as happy as I.

Meeting up with old friends, and making some new right after, making love to a city so dear and yet so oblivious. Making pasta from scratch, indulging in wine drenched in candle light with friends whose affections hold me captive. Then comes the gin and tonic and the C.A.N cafe, all dancing together, blurred by the fuzzy layer of sheer glee that layers my existance now.

And with a calendar bursting at the seems with lives to share, I cannot but feel that my happiness is so intense, it's almost poison. I'm so high, the air's getting thin, I might just choke on my own laughter. And then what? No matter, I'd petition for the government of Laos to import their beer to Singapore, so that Denise and I can drink ourselves silly on bliss.

goodnight world. I love you.

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