Saturday, April 26, 2008


ok, I know I've started twittering. But it WON'T become like this. Promise.


Robby said...

it's a good thing you didn't have twitter when you did you cleanse. It was detailed enough as it was...if you had the chance to describe it all AS IT HAPPENED...OH GOOD LORD

Hannah Lim said...

OMG ROBBY I WAS TOTALLY THINKING THAT TOO!! You read my mind. I laughed till I hurt. SO FUNNY.

Yes, sorry bout that. Btw the cleanse was totally your fault! Your idea!!

shu said...

eh i totally agree with Robby...

technology comes at the right time for you.
because damn girl, no one can forget what you wrote when you did that cleanse.. warnings or no warnings!

glen said...

... i think i want to start twitting.. tweeting?

Hannah Lim said...