Tuesday, July 29, 2003

Spinning around

alrighty then.

1) TAGS publicity Hope it's acceptable
2) Go to the Canadain High Com Lady was seriously irritating. Didn't know what she was talking about.
"Yes, so what do I do now?"
"Now your situation is very comlicated. you should have done...."
"Yes, so what do I do NOW?"
"you see right, if you had..."

Thank God she called someone else.

3) Canada shopping 4 Bras, 6 pairs of knickers, 2 towels, 1 nervous spirit.... couldn't go wrong
4) Got contacted my Shulin Perfect. wondered how to go about doing that.

So what's left...
1) Buy shoes. 2 pairs to be exact
2) Meet up with Shulin and Kenley so they can meet each other
3) Buy stationery.
4) Do TAGS.
5) lofty's place for Dinner

6) Fly off to Canada.

I've never felt such weight before.

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