Prayer: That I would touch the expression, the lion and the leaves in an irreversible way.
Shaken. I have just left Sociology 100 after a video screening.
Title: Stopping Traffik: The war against the war on drugs.
I realise that for all the open-mindedness that I have prided myself in being, I am essentially ethnocentric. I cannot seem to understand that MY way of doing things is NOT the right way.
The video presented an elite section of society who, surprise surprise, is trying to reduce the harm caused by drugs as well as the harm caused by the war on drugs. They do so by legalizing it, shifting focus from it being a 'crime' to it being a 'medical condition'. The fact that this group comprises of wealthy businessmen and prominent individuals from the police force make it a formidable influence to be reckoned with.
So I sat there, watching with horror as they interviewed a drug addict who is now being prescribed heroine on a daily basis. It keeps him off the streets, he no longer faces arrest, he no long steals he practically lives a normal healthy life.
"I used to smoke cannibis, nicotine... kids stuff, but there was always this void within me, something missing and heroine has filled that. I have more confidence, more life and it gives me an up and go... "
Horrified. And the accuser in me states "You need God you Dumbass. I don't see why society has to conform to YOUR bad habits when you refused to abide by its standards."
Coming from a country that hangs you for possessing 15g of heroine, I sat there pretty much self-righteous thinking "I'm in favour of hanging them. get them off the streets, forget about wasting the countries money in reforms and prisons. "
This was all going well until... "We do not wage war against our people. That's what they are, our people."
So what's this all about? Love the sinner in his sin.
It all boils down to love.
I need that.
a hell lot of that.
What's that again?
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