Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Live life, and love.

All that talk about meritocracy is bullshit.
Life never goes the way you want it to be.

Protestant ethic or no.

LSATs on saturday. But never have I regretted giving up NUS law for UBC.

To the gym and back in 3 hours, elipticled 4 miles in 36 flat. Lunch with Tom in 11, and a 2h20min LSAT prep before my Novel writing workshop. Do groceries in the dark of night and make a 10 man Salad.

Try to be in bed by 1230. awake at 8 for bible study, meet Jeff at 12, debate at 1, confront proff at 2.50. Oh and don't forget to print out your CSR summary for your evening class.

I love busrides, they give me time to call people and actually talk, instead of swimming past them during the week. Zoom zoom zoom.

Foolish child, your life is so beautifully full.
And yet you still want a job.

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