Friday, June 16, 2006

in Lao. Amazing waterfall. Sleep in tiny hut. Village cool. Got piglets and chickens. Going to swim in river.

So we cross the thai boarder into Paxse and find ourselves in a funky local bus up to Tadlo falls. The people rock, they offered us Rambutans and chew leaves to cover their wounds. The bus was falling apart and was used as a cargo shipment thing as much as a passenger bus. The driver stops randomly to pick corn and pine apples and chill.

We get off at Tadlo and the first thing that hits us is the lack of mongering mongers. No one assulting us with promises of cheap hotels, or with endless offers of tuktuks,motos,taxis,and-what-have-you-not. In fact, there was NOTHING. Well almost. There were piglets running around and I had to borrow a toilet of someone. A little hut with a hole in the ground and a pool of water. As primative as it sounds, it's bloody clean. Much cleaner then all the complicated crap we have in the third world. In fact, I could go on about how much I love the no-flush-pour-water toilets in thailand,lao and cambodia that I really should stop.

So we got off the dusty road and took a couple of pictures of the cute piggies, then we walked for a good 1.5 km (no tuktuk remmeber?) and finally found the waterfall.

It was beautiful.

And I conquered my fear of heights.

Thi and I got buzzed on Beer Lao, which is seriously THE BEST FRIGGIN BEER IN THE WORLD, and talked about our little ideas on life. We realise that we are wildly differently. I think, he does. I look at truth and love, he looks at strengthand honor.

The Moon, the beer, the conversation. how beautiful.

Swim Waterfall shiok. Surrounded by pigs, goats, cows and monkeys. Going to town then vietnam tmr. Beer lao is great. Want to live here.

No seriously. We wait at the busstop and witness a woman drag around her pet monkey. I also eat some funny dumpling of 'phet' meat and leaves,

On the way to Savankhet, the bus makes several stops for food. Racket chicken was the result. A whole chicken wedged between two sticks and roasted. Looks like a racket, eats like a chicken. Awesome.

Mother. Worst thing. I paid 1000 Bhat to use a toilet instead of 1000 kip. From 10 cents to 33 dollars. I hate myself.

All trips have their down moments. This was one of them. But Thi was very gracious about it and I figure that the toilet lady needed it more then I did. And anyway, it's a good addition to the list of rediculous expenses. We calculated, my pee is worth more then oil per ml. Aye.

in Vietnam Hue. Awesome. Met english backpacker Ash. Coolest guy ever, invited him to stay when he drops by SG for a couple of days. Also tracy from Canada. Can?

So here commences the Hannah Hostel. Open all day to everyone as long as mummy and daddy are ok with it.

Hue is amazing though. We biked and bickered. I was hot and thi got us lost. But we have a lot of grace toward each other and we're really understanding. So Thi was an ass and I was a grump. All's good. It was also the first time I tried to cycle without my hands, and I do this while cycling in vietnam. In cambodia, cycling was like a dance, you negotiate space with the other dancers on the road. In figgin, vietnam, it's like a war. You fight for your goddam space.

We played pool and talked alot.

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