Friday, February 02, 2007

2 days ago, I was reading the Cost of Discipleship and was convicted to let Dennis go. It seemed that the entire week was leading up to this moment. My least emotional heave, Sarah and Jasmine and finally, Mr Anonymous commentor.

I am convicned that I need to let Dennis go not becuase I should, or I need to, or it's good, or for Belmont's sake. But because it's the obedient thing to do.

'Give something up' - A job meant to be completed in an hour, took me 2 and a half years.

God knows how I function, and speaks to me thus. I am absurd, and he has done the absurd in my life.


Anonymous said...

It's funny coming from me, cos of my position now but i have to say this.

I'm proud of you.

I only hope to be able to sum up the strength to do likewise if or when the time comes, since its almost impossible for me and him too.


Anonymous said...

God will bless you for your obedience.

God is not God if He merely makes sense.
