Tuesday, April 08, 2008

[Hannah whines about a tough day and bad boyfriend conversation]

Jarrett: How would you feel if I came to Ike with a travel mug full of freshly made tea for my favorite singaporean?

Hannah: awwww!!! you're a sweetheart, no i don't want to bother you. it's ok

Jarrett: I've been sitting all freaking day

Hannah: this is ALL a product of my foolishness

Jarrett: My back is sore. seriously. scout's honour. not making it up

Hannah: NO no it's too far lah. the thought has made my day

Jarrett: what room are you in?

Hannah: it really has. NO come on jarrett it's too far. i will have to leave soon anyway! it's 10 pm!

Jarrett: Don't make me wait outside Ike to stalk you. you know I will

Hannah: yeah you will. i can't believe i'm letting you do this

Jarrett: what room?

Hannah: i'm on the thrid floor behind the elevators

Jarrett: behind the elevators? In the rooms on the south side?

Hannah: no not in the rooms. in the main open area

Jarrett: aha. I'll be right there

Hannah: you are TOO NICE TO ME

Jarrett Changed status to Offline.

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