Saturday, October 05, 2002

To the Brave and the Lonely

We may not always know it, or sense it, or understand.
But nonetheless we do still care for you.
Even when you show up strong on saturday afternoons to sing "Deck the Malls"
And laugh and joke, in your precious little way...
We are always wondering if you're really really ok.
And we cry inwardly when we know you're not.
We wonder where you are on friday nights when you're not with us,
And pray that you're safe, even if it means being safe from yourself.

This was from dennis to me, and it's now from me to you:
get up. even if its gonna take you weeks, months, years... get back up.
and im always here to pull you up.

I will try if you let me.

I love you. Brave brave heart.

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