Thursday, February 24, 2005


Knowing where you're REALLY going in the face of tempting illusions can be quite a challenge. I think I slip into madness sometimes, with my desires luring me dangerously into a false reality. This only happens when I'm less then satisfied with who I am. Oh well, I'm not worried. I just have to keep reminding myself that I'm on a journey and I just have to keep moving forward, aware and alive.
"You expected much, but see, it turned out to be little. What you brought home, I blew away. Why?" Declares the Lord Almighty. "Because of my house, which remains a ruin, while each of you is busy with his own house"
~ Haggai 1:9

So this means that in order for me to be a functioning healthy adult, I am going to have to be true to myself, and interestingly enough, I find my identity in the identity of Christ. 'Nuff said. Get a move on.

Tomorrow I go to the Canadian Passport office to summit my passport application. It will be 11 months exactly when my status as a Singaporean passes away uneventfully. Happy 22nd birthday Hannah.

I am Canadian.
By birth, by choice.

To be honest, I don't think many people are granted with this gift of choice very often. To choose between Canada and Singapore is quite a tough one. It's not like either are undesirable(although I know some singaporeans who would disagree), not as if it were a choice between N. Korea and Canada (That would hardly constitute as a choice really).

But here is choice, condensed power, and control delivered into my little hands. It will dictate the course of my life, my future and ultimately the formation of my existance. In making this choice, I accept and dispose of a lot, and it isn't a blind blessing. Having to plunge a knife into my 'Singaporean Status' wasn't easy, the process was tramatizing. Oh well.

I think one of the reasons why I choose to be Canadian lies in my disability to identify with being Singaporean, or anything else for that matter. This isn't a cop out, but it's a reflection of my confused, complex politics of identity. And that's a wonderful thing.

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