Monday, September 04, 2006

everyday should be like this.

Look I found a cough drop for you!
~ Fellow exchange student, Brendt, who couldn't handle my bronchital coughing any longer, who was moved to leave a fox sweet on my laptop.

Wah lau, you think the library open for you only is it?
Hannah Central Library right?

~ Belmont. In response to my incessant bitching about the uber-ridiculous library system in school.

Hannah, you're damn loud.
~ Marcus, the friend of a friend, now a friend, whom I didn't/couldn't recognise.
(is that Marcus?? Oh, hi Marcus!)

I laughed a lot, met friends, sat with friends, ate with friends, studied a lot.
In this moment, I am absolutely content.

1 comment:

Hannah Lim said...

I rock as hard as they will let me majortombo!