Thursday, June 07, 2007

Third Culture Kid - Revisited

I know I've ranted about being a Thirdie between Singapore and Canada. You know, not belonging at home in Singapore where I grew up, and not being at home in Canada where my passport says I belong. Yada Yada Yada.

But who would've thought that I'd fall between the cracks that separate British Columbia from Alberta? I kid you not. I am a Canadian, that has NO province of residence. As of this moment, I don't belong to ANY of Canada's 10 provinces or 3 territories. Every adviser in the BC government that deals with student finances is dead sure that I am Albertan. And the Albertan office put me on hold for a good 20 minutes before telling me that I'm well... nowhere.

Thing is Calgary was the last place that I had lived in for 12 consecutive months without being a full-time student, but I've been away for too long and relocated at an age too young to properly retain my residency status. So I'm definitely NOT a resident of BC and I MIGHT be a resident of Alberta, depending on the committee's final decision on my appeal.

So what does this all mean? About a few thousand in student loans.

All student loans are administered by the provinces, so I will need to apply to BC, get rejected and send in an appeal form. Or apply to Alberta, get rejected and send BC my rejection and get accepted. Or apply to Alberta, do a ridiculous amount of paperwork and be put on hold listening to hideous techno music to get my Alberta Student number, and be ineligible for most of the awards anyway because I'm studying in BC and not in Alberta.

I'm sick of not belonging anywhere.
It's so frustrating.

Day 5

Not as hungry, not as crappy. No laxative teas or salt water this morning. Will get off on day 9.5 for the sake of dinner with the Boss and co-worker. Funny Hunnies.

I do want mash potatoes though.

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