More is being expected of me.
Spiritually, relationaally, financially.
Suddenly, I find myself with huge decisions to make.
And one of them is whether or not I am to remain innane, ungrounded and inconsequential in the face of what really matters.
.:Pray about it:.
:.Pray without ceasing.:
.:.Let's pray.:.
:.:We're starting a prayer group:.:
.Have you prayed about it?.
..:I'll pray for you:..
:..Can you pray for me?..:
...Any prayer requests?...
:::At all times with all kinds of prayer:::
::I think we should pray::
Keep on praying, in the Spirit
The one thing prayer does, is to bring forth truth, which in turn acts like a torch. In essense, it reveals the little nasties that lie within your life. Then it reveals the complexities of the messy mass that are you are. Then it reveals the ultimate: that you as human, are utterly incapable of doing anything about the mess you're in. 'The mess' being synomonous to Humanity. Work within that all you can, you're still human.
Welcome to reality.
It isn't what you do. You can bow your head and utter incenseous prayers, you can herald applausable acts of charity and self-sacrifce and still...
It's who you are.
Prayer and obedience isn't what you do, it's a state of being.
As with everything else
To show? or to be?
I'm marking it down to learning
And I'm too small to realise this.
Bed of Lies ~ MB20
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