Sunday, September 24, 2006

Overheard at Bedok

"'re wearing a skirt. Wait here, I go buy 4D."
~ Belmont to me

And indeed I was, and I'm still in it as I blog this. And somewhere along the night, staring up at the bright yellow lights at the Sembawang bus station, I think the lady in me whimpered a little, and asked to be resurrected.

"Do I look funny in a skirt?"
"No, you look like a real girl lor."

Yay. So I actually do have 2 X-chromosomes. They're just a little shy.

Tristan stood Belmont and myself up today. We were meant to jam at 3 and by 6.45 Belmont and I were heading home after a useless day strolling by the beach. I hope this isn't his idea of a joke. But then I realise that I should be fuming mad. And I'm not.

This made me think: Despite what I seem to portray, I am really a very bitter angry person deep down inside. I just don't know how to show it and end up ranting against the church and social injustice. Basically nebulous institutions that really end up being shells. So it's ok if I rail against them and hurl abuses. They don't feel anything.

So all my anger sweeps and swells, inside.

"Yeah! I just really want to beat someone up!"
~Myself to Belmont, to which he responded with widened eyes and a nervous giggle.

Does my theory make sense?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The devil takes delight in our assumption that "they don't feel anything". That is his first defense - to feed on our malaise.