Tuesday, February 13, 2007

I would have spent $95 to replace all the damned cards that were in my wallet. 2 of which are school cards which will become null in 2 months. wtf. I should just give the $95 to the SOB who took it and save myself the hassle of wasting hours listening to credit company's automated nonsense, explaining myself over and over again to Visa, and arguing with lifeless CSRs that its ludicrous to ask me to fax something as an alternative to calling them from a land line.

"Then we can't help you."
So why are you still employed?

If somebody asks me to repeat my phone number, full name, address, postal code, mother's maiden name again, I will hurt something.

I spent all afternoon trying to remedy my sorrowful situation. I had to turn down a temporary job offer and wasted 5 hours of my day trying to gather the bits and pieces back together. The end result: almost nothing was accomplised. And that's the thing about this stupid place. It's a joke. Asia just works. The last time a friend of mine lost his cards here, he called Visa just as some sorry bugger was trying to make a transaction. Some sorry bugger made a transaction on mine. I recall people driving all the way to your IC's stated address to return lost wallets in Singapore. And seriously, 1998's award for best transit system does NOT work here in 2007. And I thought waiting 20 minutes for the Sembawang bus sucked. At least the buses in Singapore move at a decent speed.

That's it. Just bar code me so I don't have to play inane guess-my-identity games with myself. Centralize the system so I don't have to run to five different government institutions trying to replace my cards.

"What's your status in Canada?"
"I'm a citizen" (this IS vancouver you know?)
"We will need your citizenship card"
"I don't have one"
"Then what is your status in Canada?"
"I'm a Citizen" (Do I look stupid to you?)
"We will need your citizenship card"
"I don't have one." (Don't assume I immigrated yesterday)
"What is your status in Canada?"
(This is highly reminiscient of my experience with the Canadian High Com in Singapore. I've always advocated that Western philosophy is linear, while Eastern philosophy is circular. This takes things to a whole new level.)

Standing in the middle of broadway with no money, no bus pass and no identification calls for a fury fest. I don't know how many times I came close to crying. I cannot help but wish for bad things to happen to the SOB who took my wallet. He had better have a good reason. He had better be so steeped in poverty, comparable to the woman who took my 1000 Bhat in Laos. He had better have six hungry children, invalids to care for and a spouse with a drug problem.

Of course since my wallet was taken while I was having coffee in a beautiful community-oriented coffee shop, and since $12 was charged to my visa for a taxi fare and not on baby-food and groceries, he probably isn't. I can only brew disastrous unchristian thoughts that I would only express to my friends and not on my very public blog.

It's just this feeling of entrapment, you know? Like I'm wading in some viscus liquid. It's just such a pain being in Vancouver with no car and a tight budget.


Anonymous said...

ooo < three hugs

Hannah Lim said...

The world gets a little brighter with these.

Anonymous said...

I hope it gets sorted soon, have a little heart :) if it helps uh...let's wish bad thoughts together about the SOB who took it. punk. love ya love ya hon!
